By Mark Griswold

The Priest's Confession (continued)
Word says, "My Word shall not return unto Me Void but it shall accomplish what I please, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it." (Is. 55:11) And  "My Word is sharper than a two edged sword, dividing asunder…" (Hebrews 4:12) My only hope was obviously bringing everything back to the word of God!
    So around the start of our third session I asked him why Rome's "Mary" is called the "queen of heaven" and "mother of God"!!!!!! -- when the only  'queen of heaven'  listed in the Bible is the mother of BAAL, the sun God, in Jeremiah 7:18 and 44:17-25! (And Hebrews 7:3 says of Melchizedek--comparing him to Jesus, "… Without father, without mother…")
He verbally danced around for what seemed like quite a while--trying his best to bury me with his logic! But as I calmly kept repeating that the only queen of heaven in the whole Bible is referring to the mother of BAAL, the sun god, he finally fell silent and looked down for an extended pause.
    Then, he slowly looked up and started quietly telling me, "there was an ancient pagan myth about an angry, Young God who never refused a request of his mother."
    I was very intrigued, so he continued: "According to this myth there are two ladders up to heaven:  the first ladder went Straight Up to the Angry Young God. (The priest explained that the belief was that very few,  (IF ANY!!], would be strong enough to pull themselves all the way up to heaven!! But, (the priest continued to emphasize!) Even  IF  one was  Strong  Enough  to pull themselves  ALL  the  WAY  UP,  chances were Very High that they would either  WAKE  UP,  [or at least Disturb]  the Angry Young God, who would then throw the door open,  ROAR, and then Blow Back Down whoever was Presumptuous enough to disturb the Angry, Young God!!
    Then the priest seemed to take a deep breath, as he smiled broadly!  He glowingly told me that: "According to this myth, the mother of this angry young  Sun/Son God was much more Loving, Compassionate, Merciful, and Forgiving than her Angry, young Son! And her ladder,  (unlike her Angry Young Son's ladder!) was very gradual, and therefore much easier to climb!!  "But", he said, "even if one was not able to make it up this much easier ladder, as long as they had made enough Prayers and Sacrifices to the much more Loving, Compassionate, Merciful and Forgiving mother, she would climb down her ladder, pick them up in her arms and carry them back up to heaven!! And she would even carry them over to her Angry Young Son, who could not refuse a request from his mother!!"
    At this point I thanked the priest for explaining about the ancient Pagan Myth, and I agreed that---of course, it
was very logical that those PAGANs would Pray to the Mother, the "queen of heaven/mother of God", instead of her Angry young Son!! But then I immediately asked, "But  What  Does That  have to do with Catholicism?!!"
    The priest immediately fell silent and looked down again, for a shorter pause, this time. Within a few seconds he looked up and quietly started explaining: "When the Ancient Roman Empire conquered the surrounding Pagan nations, since they were all illiterate,  WE  couldn't very well give them Bibles to read!  So  WE  Just  Gave ALL  their  PAGAN  IDOLs  And  TRADiTiONs 'Christian' names."
    Then he paused, a little uncomfortably, before saying, "Thereby we made whole nations  'Christian'  overnight!??"
    During a future meeting I started out asking about the Inquisition.
    He contorted his face somewhat as he said (rather Apologetically and Emphatically!): "Oh! That was a black mark on our church's history! What they did to those 8 to 10 people!"
    To which I immediately replied, "I have read figures as high as over 100 million tortured and killed!"
    He appeared shocked, as he Feverishly  And  INDIGNANTLY  Retorted: "Oh! I'm sure was closer to my figure!!"
    So I simply asked him, "how can you say "8 t 10", when upon contradictory evidence you are willing to admit to 'something less than 50 million!!'?"
    Then he (as happened each time he was caught lying) spoke so quietly I had to have him repeat himself twice before I heard him whisper,
"I was using a mental reservation."
     So I said, "What's that?"
    Again, the third time he spoke, I finally heard him say, "Concealing the truth from someone who has NO right to know."
    During one of our first meetings I asked the priest why the Church of Rome forbids Her priests to marry, when the Bible clearly states that "forbidding to marry" is a  "Doctrine of Demons"!
    He was quick to spout off a well-rehearsed diatribe on the Great Sacrifice that Rome's priests are called to make in their service for God and church!
     So I mentioned to him that Peter was married, so if Rome was going to make such a big thing about Tradition,  then  Every  Pope  Should  Be  MARRIED!!!